Service | Fee |
Initial Card Cost |
$5.00 (Includes first deposit) |
Activation |
Monthly Service Fees |
None |
Signature Based Purchase |
PIN Based Purchase |
International Conversion |
2% of the international transaction amount if there is a currency conversion or 0.8% of the international transaction amount if a currency conversion is not performed |
Cash Advance |
Cash Back At Merchant |
ATM Balance Inquiry |
$1.50* |
ATM Withdrawal (Domestic) |
$1.50* |
ATM Withdrawal (International) |
$2.00* |
Add Money (per deposit) min $100 |
$2.00 |
Denied Transaction |
$.50 |
Inactivity |
$5.00 per month after 10 months of inactivity |
Automated Phone Assistance |
4 FREE per month ($.50 each after first 4) |
Live Customer Assistance |
2 FREE per month ($5.00 each after first 2) |
* Third party fees may apply Except where prohibited by law, your card is valid through the expiration date on the front of the card. Please visit: to register your card for online access Cardholder Customer Service: 1-877-850-9650 |